

Recommend a homeowner to introduce GREAT PLAINS WINDOWS to your family or friends and earn rewards!

Thousands of people have chosen our products and we appreciate each and every one! As a bonus to our valued customers we offer a reward for every verified sale over $5000 from your referral.*

If you are happy with our products and services, please encourage your friends and family to try our services. Our team has unparalleled experience in the remodeling industry and we guarantee customer satisfaction!

If you’d like to participate just fill out the below online submission form. If you prefer, give us a call at 651-207-4571 and speak to one of our representatives.

*referrer must submit referral prior to scheduling of any appointment to qualify

Submit a Referral

  • Phone number of person I'm referring
  • Email of person I'm referring
  • Please include any information regarding this project.